Thought – 4
Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it."
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Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it."
When We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The...
This is the poem "You start dying slowly" I found in some social channel. However once I read this, it...
"When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, 'it's near #Halloween." ~#HappyHalloween !
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever." ~Mahatma Gandhi
"We must respect our own dignity as rational begins and thus diminish the power of fraud. It is better to...
“Don’t Wait, The time will never be Just Right. Start where you stand, and whatever tools you may have at...
“Don’t settle, Either they will wake up to the fact that you are worth more…or you will.” ~ Charles Orlando
Learn from Yesterday, Live for Today, Hope for Tomorrow..!!!This jubilant New Year marks a fresh new start of brighter and...
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